This past Saturday (June 2nd) kicked off the beginning of the Summer Reading Club with registration and a magic show. Registration is still open and will continue until July 8th. Stop by the information desk to register, pick up reading logs, rules, and a program of events scheduled throughout the summer. The children’s summer reading club is for infants, on up to those who have completed the 8th grade. The teen summer reading club is for teens ages 13-19.
Events for children are scheduled every Saturday at 1 p.m. and Wednesday at 6 p.m. We’ll keep you posted on the exact programming on a weekly basis.
This week’s events:
Wednesday, June 6 at 6 p.m................ZZ the Clown
Saturday, June 9, 1 p.m........................Party Animals
Saturday, June 9, 7-11 p.m..................Teen lock in (a night of funny movies, games, and food)