Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blind Date with a Book

Happy Valentine's Day from the Dorris Van Doren Library!
Whether you've got a Valentine or not, the Dorris Van Doren staff has arranged some very eligible book bachelors for you. Visit our new books area to find the blind date display. These books have been selected by staff members and wrapped to conceal their identities. A few subject keywords have been written on them to help you determine if you'll hit it off. After you've found your blind date, take it to the circulation desk or self-check out machine to check out and take home. Unwrap the book, and if you find that you're not a match, there's no need to commit. Simply return the book and no one's feelings will be hurt.

If blind dates make you nervous, take a look at our display in the lobby for suggestions or visit the information desk. One of our matchmakers, aka librarians, will try to find the right book for you.

Not ready for a blind date? Try these suggestions!

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